Sunday, April 2, 2017

7 Things I Love About Laini Taylor

Hi everyone! I just got back from Parnassus Bookstore in Nashville, where I had the joy of attending a Q&A and book signing with Sharon Cameron, author of The Forgetting, and Laini Taylor, goddess of all, and writer of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, and more recently, Strange the Dreamer!!
I know you all have probably heard as much about these two as I have, but there's a link to the Goodreads page on both of those above if you don't know why I'm fangirling.

Parnassus is an independent bookstore in the Green Hills neighborhood of Nashville, one of my fave cities. It's a really cute bookstore, with a tiny little doorway modeled after the Parthenon (there's one in Nashville too, who knows why) leading to a kids area with little star lights high above. They are fabulous about having author events, and I'm so happy I made it to this one!

Laini and Sharon were delightful speakers, so I thought I'd share some highlights from their conversation with the audience and each other.

Tidbit #1: Although her writing seems effortless, Laini struggles a lot with the actual act of it. She says of writing, most days: "It's like driving with the brakes on: you can do it, but it's uncomfortable and bad for the car." 
Tidbit #2: Laini mentioned a trend in books she's read lately in which evil villains have to get more and more evil to outdo previous evil incarnations. "Evil has totally jumped the shark," according to Laini (guys, she is honestly hilarious), and so in Strange the Dreamer, she doesn't really see any protagonist as being a "villain". 
Yzma is my favorite kind of villain, tbh. Not the spinach puffs!!
Tidbit #3: As a kid and teenager, Laini always knew she wanted to be a writer, but didnt' actually write that much. She was a self-confessed "pretentious teen" and began reading only literature in that time. I really related to this, as a 23 year old YA fanatic. Sometimes I feel like I should be reading more Vonnegut or Hemingway and less Cabot or Maas. Honestly though, I think the most important part of reading is that you enjoy it, and while I do enjoy the occasional Pulitzer, YA really has my heart. Anyhoo, Laini went on to say that while reading and attempting to write literature she realized that she had had a happy childhood and didn't have anything to write about (lolz). So, when writing got too hard, Laini went for "the greatest backup plan ever", art school. 

Tidbit #4: Looking back on her earlier writing days, Laini recalled a vision that the mailman took all her manuscripts that she sent out to publishers and put them directly into a rocket, which fired them into space. I think the mailman did that with my job applications too, so I feel you Laini.
Tidbit #5: Sharon Cameron responded to a question about writing process with two categories: planners and pantzers. Planners are those (fictional probably) writers who make up a schedule, plan out the plot, and then begin writing. Pantzers fly by the seat of their pants. Sharon calls herself a "plantzer" (my new favorite word), meaning she makes a plan but then abandons it and goes her own way.
Just try and tell me you didn't immediately think of this too. Just try.
Tidbit #6: In response to a question about difference between writing YA and adult fiction, Laini admitted that she has the heart and soul of a 17 year old eternally, which is why she is drawn to YA. Sharon continued the conversation, saying that, aside from making sure things don't get too hot (wink wink), she doesn't consider audience much in writing novels. This was a relief to hear after recent YA authors talking down to their audiences, and critics saying that YA readers are less discerning than adult ones. k bye haters.
Tidbit #7: Laini mentioned her upcoming novels, for those interested! Right now, she's working on the sequel to Strange the Dreamer. After that, she's planning on an adult novel (20 somethings) about writers, then an historical science fiction novel. After that, things are less clear, but she did mention the possibility of another novel in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone universe (!!!!), and a novel about ballerinas in space. She also talked about a continuation of her Dreamdark series, which was originally slated to have 5-6 books, but, as she described it, her publishing house lost its main boss man, and the new guy came in and, like a new alpha baboon, came in and killed all the babies. Laini is the BEST at analogies.

I had a great time, and got some lovely bookish swag and photos, and an autographed book. 10/10 would recommend going to see Laini and Sharon if they swing into your town!

Also, in case the inspiration for the title on this post wasn't obvious:

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Book Review: Of Fire and Stars, or The One With Princess Kisses

Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
Pages: 389
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Release Date: November 22nd, 2016
Cover Comments: This is a beautiful cover. I love the golden, looping font, and the two girls on the cover, holding hands and standing against the world. The only thing I'm kinda meh about is the bow and arrow - archery isn't really a part of the book, so I feel like that was just added because bow & arrow is popular right now.

First Lines: When I was seven years of age, my mother caught me in the hearth stacking red-hot coals with my bare hands.

Betrothed since childhood to the prince of Mynaria, Princess Dennaleia has always known what her future holds. Her marriage will seal the alliance between Mynaria and her homeland, protecting her people from other hostile lands. But Denna has a secret. She possesses an Affinity for fire—a dangerous gift for the future queen of a kingdom where magic is forbidden.

Now, Denna must learn the ways of her new home while trying to hide her growing magic. To make matters worse, she must learn to ride Mynaria’s formidable warhorses—and her teacher is the person who intimidates her most, the prickly and unconventional Princess Amaranthine—called Mare—the sister of her betrothed.

When a shocking assassination leaves the kingdom reeling, Mare and Denna reluctantly join forces to search for the culprit. As the two become closer, Mare is surprised by Denna’s intelligence and bravery, while Denna is drawn to Mare’s independent streak. And soon their friendship is threatening to blossom into something more.

But with dangerous conflict brewing that makes the alliance more important than ever, acting on their feelings could be deadly. Forced to choose between their duty and their hearts, Mare and Denna must find a way to save their kingdoms—and each other.


"An Affinity, much like a heart, cannot be changed."

Of Fire and Stars is the quintessential fantasy romance with a twist: the princess doesn't fall in love with the prince, but with the princess. I was really excited to read this book because of this intriguing concept, and I did enjoy it. However, I was a bit disappointed in other aspects of the book, and without this little twist, I think the book would have been rather unremarkable.

Positive firsts: 

1) The romance is pretty adorable. Mare and Denna don't get off the the best start, and without having read the synopsis of the book, I might not have known they would become interested in each other romantically. Mare is forced by her family to give Denna horseriding lessons, and the first part of their relationship is strained by this obligation, and Mare and Denna's personality differences. However, Audrey Coulthurst did a great job with the slow burn type of romance. Slight touches, words, and eye contact build up until the romance just blossoms. I also liked that, despite, the medieval setting, homophobia didn't seem to be an issue in the world Audrey created. Other lesbian and gay couples are introduced in the book, and nothing is made of it. I liked that the only real barrier to Denna and Mare's romance was the betrothal of Denna to the prince, rather than societal judgements.

2) I really enjoyed Audrey Coulthurst's writing - it's very atmospheric, and there were some lovely passages, ie "Partnerships can be built, but love can't be coaxed. Love should feel like the first time you gallop a horse flat out. It should make your blood sing. It should terrify you. And some part of you should recognize it the first time you meet the other person's eyes." I'm excited to read Audrey's next few books and see how her writing develops, and what other kinds of stories she'll tackle. There were some pretty boring parts of the book that were carried through more easily because of Coulthurst's writing.

3) The magic system in Of Fire and Stars is nothing too new - it's based on the elements, like wind, fire, earth, etc. (a side note - elemental magic seems to be making a comeback, like in Frostblood and Ever the Hunted, two other recent releases). I did really like how religion ties in with magic in a unique way.

Now, for the not-so-positives

1) As other reviewers have commented, the names in this book are a little ridiculous. If Amaranthine and Dennaleia aren't enough of a mouthful for you, try Thandilimon. The first few chapters of the book were spent on stumbling over these names in my head. I happen to adore fantasy names, but it needs to be clear how to pronounce them. I feel like the author just threw in super long names to add to the fantasy/medieval feel. Also, Mare. Loves horses. Really?

2) The pacing was a bit slow, but tons of exciting things happened near the end. It was sort of like a Nancy Drew book without those clutch cliffhangers at the end of each chapter. There was lots of information-gathering and meeting and talking, but not much happened either plot or romance-wise, until the end.

3) I predicted the villain since their first scene. Maybe I've just read too many books, but I thought it was very obvious.

All in all, Of Fire and Stars was an interesting read for the unique romance/setting. That twist helps it rise above the overall meh-ness of the plot, and Coulthurst's writing kept me intrigued. I'd recommend for anyone looking for a unique romance and is not too bothered by typical fantasy fare.


Cover Love (1): All the Crooked Saints

Exciting news! I've realized that there's no bookish meme that I know of (PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong; I don't want to take someone else's idea!) that covers new cover reveals (heh). Cover reveals are maybe my favorite thing ever and I'd love to host a bookish meme every month where we all geek out over the pretty new covers in the world. So, introducing Cover Love! I will post my favorite cover reveal on the last Saturday of the month. I hope you enjoy & join in! Feel free to use my graphic above and link back to this blog in your post, or use your own graphic with a link back here.

For March, I will have to go with All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater.
Saints. Miracles. Family. Romance. Death. Redemption.

The book takes place in the 1960s in Bicho Raro, Colorado and follows the lives of three members of the Soria family—each of whom is searching for their own miracle. There’s Beatriz, who appears to lack feelings but wants to study her mind; Daniel, the “Saint” of Bicho Raro, a miracle worker for everyone but himself; and Joaquin (a.k.a. Diablo Diablo), who runs a pirate radio station at night.

What a beautiful cover! I'm so excited to get Maggie's next book. She's one of my all-time favorite authors, and this next book looks amazing.

Stacking the Shelves (3.25.16): SO MANY BOOKS YOU GUYS

So, I took it upon myself to do a huge clean-up of my shelves. After staying up until three because I am freakishly into organizing, especially when it's books, I came up with three boxes of books to trade in. Magically, my bookshelves are still full; don't ask me how this happens. 

I skipped on over to McKay's, my favorite used bookstore, to trade in my babies, and got $88 in store credit and YOU GUYS. I went a little cray. Here's what I got:

From McKay's

From OwlCrate:

All of the above except for Daughter of the Pirate King, were covered by my trade-in! I left with one box, but traded in three so... progress?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Book Review: Ever the Hunted, or, The One Where Not Bathing is Still Sexy

Ever the Hunted by Erin Summerill
Pages: 392
Publisher: HMH
Release Date: December 27th, 2016
Cover Comments: I LOVE this cover. Beautiful font and design with a nod to the content with the bow and arrow.

First Lines: "To survive these woods, a man must be strong as the trees, Papa had said."

Seventeen year-old Britta Flannery is at ease only in the woods with her dagger and bow. She spends her days tracking criminals alongside her father, the legendary bounty hunter for the King of Malam—that is, until her father is murdered. Now outcast and alone and having no rights to her father’s land or inheritance, she seeks refuge where she feels most safe: the Ever Woods. When Britta is caught poaching by the royal guard, instead of facing the noose she is offered a deal: her freedom in exchange for her father’s killer.

However, it’s not so simple.

The alleged killer is none other than Cohen McKay, her father’s former apprentice. The only friend she’s ever known. The boy she once loved who broke her heart. She must go on a dangerous quest in a world of warring kingdoms, mad kings, and dark magic to find the real killer. But Britta wields more power than she knows. And soon she will learn what has always made her different will make her a daunting and dangerous force.

"If I were ever the hunted, you would find me."

Ever the Hunted felt like a mixture of several different stories I've seen and read, and while this sometimes led to a unique and intriguing blend, most often I felt like I'd been here, done that. The main character is reminiscent of Katniss from the Hunger Games, while her love interest reminded me of Gale. Bordering countries who are enemies because of disagreements over magic actually occured in the book I read before and after this one (Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst and Frostblood by Elly Blake). New trend? The magic system was different, I'll give it that, but almost random in the types of abilities that come together.

The issue of falling into fantasy tropes is not my main problem with Ever the Hunted, though. If I'm invested in the characters, the novel can be as tropey as you please. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case with our main characters, Britta and Cohen. Britta, as we know from the beginning of the novel, recently lost her father. But she spends much more brainspace on Cohen and his somehow always pleasant scent (after spending three weeks in the forest without bathing? I don't think so) than her recently deceased father. I found this a little odd and I think some opportunities were missed for introspective moments on the way we may perceive someone who has died differently than the idea we had of them when they were living. Sort of a Harry Potter learns about Dumbledore's past type of insight.

Another thing I found unlikely was that Britta never suspects that she might have magical powers. Trust me, that's not a spoiler. I knew from the first chapter, but it takes Britta 3/4 of the book to even raise the question to herself, and only after a few pretty striking displays of power. Britta is set up as a wonderful tracker, archer, and handy with a knife, but these skills don't actually help her a lot, which I was disappointed about. She has all the tools of being a kick-ass heroine, but Cohen is the one who does most of the saving. *cue Cinderella by the Cheetah Girls pls*

After struggling with a lack of connection from these characters for most of the book, I did feel it towards the end. It was an emotional part that actually made me feel strong rage, which I admit is pretty rare for me. The other element that kicks this book up from a 2 star to a 3 star rating is the fantastic ending. It ties up the necessary storylines from this book, while setting up some really intriguing possibilities for the next one. I still wasn't buying Cohen and Britta's romance by the end, but I felt connected enough to the characters and interested enough in the plot twists, that I'd be happy to pick up the next one in this series.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Book Review: Snowed In, or, The One in Which the Actual Names Sneaux and Wynter Appear

Snowed In by Rachel Hawthorne
Pages: 261
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: November 27th, 2007
Cover Comments: An adorable, snowy cover that perfectly matches the story within.

First Lines: "It'll be fun!" Those were my mom's words. It'll be fun. At the time, I'd thought so too.

Well, apparently I live here now—my mom just bought the place. And named it after me, Ashleigh, which was nice. But did she know how cold it is here??

Um, it's a tiny island with not much to do, unless you really like sleigh rides. But I gotta say there are quite a few hot guys on this cold island . . .


"You can either dab or swirl," he said, leaning forward to show me. Which put him even closer, close enough that it was almost an embrace. So close that my mouth went dry. "Personally," - he cleared his throat - "I like the swirl."

I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for seasonal novels. I want the book scenery to reflect my own - there's nothing more cozy than a winter read when it's cold outside. As such, this book was exactly what I wanted, and probably makes my review a little kinder because there were definitely some elements of this book that were less than ideal.

First, the protagonist, Ashleigh, is one of those "not like other girls" girls. She's never had a boyfriend and never wanted one, loves horror films and watches them with her eyes open (gasp), and needs her coffee in the morning to be a functioning person (can't argue with that one). This is all well and good, except every time something different came up about Ashleigh, it was usually preceded or followed by something alluding to the fact that she's not like other girls. This is one of my personal pet peeves. Girls are human, and different from on another. Her differences don't make her superior to other girls, and I object to the idea that being "ungirly" or "not like other girls" makes you better. There's nothing wrong with being a girl, and not all girls act the same, so you may as well say she's "different from other humans". Well, duh. We all are. Kay? Kay. *rant over*

That pet peeve aside, I really enjoyed Snowed In. It's exactly what it seems: a cute, fluffy, winter romance. Our love interests Josh and Ashleigh have that love/hate relationship in the beginning, which is always fun. Some of the side characters were a little ridiculously immature, such as the girl who calls her boyfriend only "my boyfriend" instead of his name and starts snowball fights to get out grievances. But, all in all, its's a great read for a snow day and if you want to feel warm and fuzzy and embarrassed to be seen with it in public.

Josh Wynter and Ashleigh Sneax. Smooshy and a vomit-inducing level of cuteness and I LOVE IT.
