Throwback Titles are books that I've been meaning to read for a very, very long time, but have just now gotten around to it. In other words, it's that book you picked up in middle school that may have been a little bit above your reading level, and also happened to have 14 sequels. And what do you, a rational adult do now that you've realized that you stopped a mere five books from finishing the series? Continue, of course.
That's most of my stories, but I consider a throwback title to be any book 5 or more years old. Let's clear these babies out of to-be-reads and remind people of their favorite 2005 novel! I'll be posting a throwback title every Thursday (naturally). Please join in the fun by adding to the linky below and adding my graphic (or one of yours, as long as it links back here) above to your post!

Pages: 351
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication Date: July 5th, 2010
Cover Comments: A cute cover that lets you know you're getting a fluffy contemporary loosely inspired by Wuthering Heights that has an owl element.
First lines: "Wow. This is it. This is me growing up. On my own, going to Performing Arts College. This is goodbye Tallulah, you long, gangly thing, and helloooooo Lullah, star of stage and... owwwwooo. Ow and ow."
Hilarious new series from Queen of Teen – laugh your tights off at the (VERY) amateur dramatic antics of Talullah and her bonkers mates. Boys, snogging and bad acting guaranteed!
Picture the scene: Dother Hall performing arts college somewhere Up North, surrounded by rolling dales, bearded cheesemaking villagers (male and female) and wildlife of the squirrely-type. On the whole, it’s not quite the showbiz experience Tallulah was expecting… but once her mates turn up and they start their ‘FAME! I’m gonna liiiiive foreeeeeever, I’m gonna fill my tiiiiights’ summer course things are bound to perk up.
Especially when the boys arrive. (When DO the boys arrive?)
Six weeks of parent-free freedom. BOY freedom. Freedom of expression… cos it’s the THEATRE dahling, the theatre!!
After reading Louise Rennison's most famous series, Confessions of Georgia Nicolson (First book: Angus, Thongs, and Full-frontal Snogging), I wanted to read more of her simply because that was one of the only book series I'd ever read that made me laugh out loud more than once per book. Obviously, I waited a long time between finishing the Georgia series and starting this series, so I was a little concerned I had outgrown the humor. Luckily, I apparently still have the comedic taste of a fourteen year old, so I found this book quite funny as well. There were a couple of things that kept this from being a favorite read for me, but overall it was very quick and enjoyable.
1) Hilarity ensues
Tallulah is an adorably quirky and awkward character, and she (unfortunately) reminded me of me at that age, except my awkwardness meant I was a lot less social. I haven't been amused so much by a book since The Princess Diaries series, and I loved being in Tallulah's head (for the most part).
2) Being yourself (awww)
Although Tallulah is awkward and strange and laments this fact sometimes, it's her special talent at being able to make others laugh that gets her noticed in the end. As much as she tries to be someone else, it's her true self that gives a her a great friend group and several gentleman callers.
“I gave my artistic laugh and also threw in some quirky language for good measure. "Lawks-a-mercy, no! I'm going to have a long bath and..."I looked shyly down. Which is pretty impressive to have done artistic laugh, quirky language and shyness all in the space of ten seconds.”
2) Being yourself (awww)
Although Tallulah is awkward and strange and laments this fact sometimes, it's her special talent at being able to make others laugh that gets her noticed in the end. As much as she tries to be someone else, it's her true self that gives a her a great friend group and several gentleman callers.
3) Boyz
Tallulah runs into several love interests over the course of the book, (almost) all of which I'd like to see more of. Talullah being pretty young (I think fourteen), nothing is too deep, but it's very reminiscent of first crushes and extremely sweet and entertaining.
“He had everything a dream boy should have. Back, front, sides, Everything. A head.”There are three relationships set up in this book that I can see as being continued in the next book, and the dilemmas with all have been set up very well.
4) Girl squad
Tallulah has a great group of friends in Withering Tights, and this friendship is given equal if not more time than the myriad of love interests in the book. They annoy each other but are always there for one another, as true friends do.
“As we drew near to the gates of Dother Hall the old bell in the belfry rang out. I said, 'I must go in, it's nigh on ten of the clock.' He half-turned away from me, his jacket collar hiding his expression. Was he angry? Disappointed?"Jo looked intently and I said, "Hungry?"Jo ignored me, but as she passed by acting out walking away from Phil, she allowed her hand to slap against my head.”
1) Blimey, what's a corker? Cor love a duck.
This is pretty representative of Rennison's writing style, but there is SO. MUCH. BRITISH. LINGO. The author (or "Tallulah") has helpfully placed a hilarious dictionary in the back to explain the terms, but it gets a bit exhausting to read about corkers and what larks.
2) Plot, plot. Wherefore art thou plot?
I found the book too funny to be truly bored, but not a lot happened. There's a lot of wandering around, Tallulah doing crazy bits at school, running into boys and being a spaz, and hanging out with her friends and talking about the school bits and boys. I didn't mind it much, but it'd be nice if the book were more than me giggling at whatever crazy thing Tallulah just said.
I found the book too funny to be truly bored, but not a lot happened. There's a lot of wandering around, Tallulah doing crazy bits at school, running into boys and being a spaz, and hanging out with her friends and talking about the school bits and boys. I didn't mind it much, but it'd be nice if the book were more than me giggling at whatever crazy thing Tallulah just said.
Overall, Withering Tights is just what is advertised: a light, hilarious read for the pre/early teen age range. I'll be continuing with the series, probably in 5-10 years, but I'll be laughing when I do.
Rating: 4/5 corker exercises